Category Archive : Cars

car sunshades

Car and passengers protected from the sun

Car sunshades are important automotive equipment because they protect the car interior from the sun’s rays, thus ensuring a more comfortable temperature inside the car and reducing the risk of overheating. They also protect the interior of the car from UV rays, which can damage the seats, steering wheel, and other parts of the car.

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anti-hail car cover

How to protect your car from the storm

Especially in recent years, the number of cars that have requested insurance assistance for damage caused by atmospheric agents has increased by 15% compared to the early 2000s. Surely much of the credit is due to climate change but another substantial portion is due to misinformation from motorists. Have you ever wondered how to prevent these disasters? Not the atmospheric ones, of course, we mean the damage to the car. After all, most of the time a good hail cover is enough

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car fenders

Going off-road is simple

Fenders are straightforward devices that are used to shield the sides of the vehicle from mud and other loose materials frequently encountered along both dirt and paved roads. They are prevalent on many recreational vehicles, long-haul trucks, and even some bicycles. It is a very straightforward but highly efficient technology that makes the car stand out and preserve itself. In reality, without a strong automobile fender, there would surely be more bodywork damage (even minor, insignificant damage). Imagine how aggravating it might be for people who have spent thousands of euros to modify their car’s trim and, possibly, cover the body with colors or graphics. This is annoying when it comes to regular cars. So what we’re trying to say is don’t discount the value of a car mudguard and let it do its thing.
Here are some illustrations of how the fender functions and how it is frequently utilized to express one’s personality.

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anti-hail cover for cars

Protect your car from hail

In times of climate change and also, as we have seen in recent years, an extremely sudden one, it is better to be safe than sorry. Especially when it comes to atmospheric agents that can do a lot of damage such as hail. And that’s exactly why everyone should own an anti-hail car cover.

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favorite auto parts

Guide to the crazy world of spare parts

Auto parts can be a tricky topic that tends to get confusing. If you like do-it-yourself auto repairs, then you know how difficult it can be to find the right part at the right price. A guide to purchasing car spare parts will help you decide what type of spare parts you need and what will be involved in the purchase, so let’s mention the essentials to be aware of and what to know about both parts and cars in general. But let’s start from the beginning and see what this world is made up of. I wouldn’t have thought that auto spare parts were only of one type and it was easy to choose them right?

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anti-hail car cover

Hail, I’m not afraid of you! And neither is my car

When we think of great natural disasters, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes come to mind.

However, there is another type of storm that causes millions of euros in damage to crops and properties every year: hail. So how can you prevent yourself from losing a large sum of money to this common calamity? By equipping yourself with an anti-hail car cover.

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Protected car exteriors even in summer

Have you just bought a new car and are you worried about the excruciating heat, the direct sun, and the ever-increasing temperatures? Here are 6 tips for you for perfect car body care in the summer. Obviously, not everyone immediately thinks of the bodywork in the heat, we tend to think more about the interior but, as you well know, the exterior is the part we notice the most.

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Never underestimate any part of the engine to replace

Let’s face it: how much do we know about engines? How much maintenance are we able to do on our own? How well do we know the pieces that make it up? We could say: we know enough.

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Car battery

Energy for cars!

The day your car doesn’t start is not the best time to buy a new car battery. But according to some research, that’s exactly what most people do. If you ended up here by mistake, we still hope to be able to help you with some advice on buying a fundamental piece of your car.

You will likely need to replace the car battery once or twice during the life of your vehicle as it ages or wears out from exposure to heat and repeated charging and discharging. A dead battery can be a real hassle, especially if you can’t find cables or have to wait for roadside assistance.

Taking good care of your battery can help you get its maximum yield and expect maximum life. Being attentive to his condition (and age) can help us understand when it’s time to start thinking about a replacement.

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Car roof rack systems

Less Bulk in the Passenger Compartment of Your Car

There are four main questions to consider before buying a roof rack. And luckily there are only four! Let’s take a quick look at each of the questions you should ask yourself before discussing what are the main parts of car roof racks and the features you should pay attention to.

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